About Caroline, The Misfit behind the Brand
A formerly shy, autistic introvert who became a socially confident version of myself.
Hi! I'm Caroline, a.k.a., The Introverted Misfit! For almost a decade, I was frustrated and depressed at how negatively my social anxiety was affecting my personal life with family, friends, and love interests, and in my professional life. I didn’t know what I was doing wrong that made people so reluctant to talk to me, and that sent me into a lengthy period of severe social anxiety to the point where I was scared to even make eye contact with people because I didn’t want it to lead to a conversation!
The reason for my struggles with communication became clear when I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, or as it’s now known as Level 1 Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as a teenager, which is a neurological disorder that affects how people interact with others, communicate, learn, and behave. Because I was able to overcome my awkward and withdrawn social behaviors with education and practice, I figured, “Who else would be better at teaching how to overcome social ineptness than someone who was literally born that way?”
I help shy, socially awkward, introverts stop being scared of social interactions without having to act extroverted.
Right now you struggle with your social confidence as an introvert, and it’s preventing you from creating and sustaining valuable and fulfilling social connections, business connections, and relationships.
Your days of living in fear are over! With my 1-on-1 coaching services for shy, awkward introverts, I help you realize that you don’t have to hide your shyness and lack of social skills behind the label of “introvert” — you can become a socially confident introvert by using your unique introverted strengths to connect with the right kind of people!
3 Simple Ways to Start a Conversation
Starting a conversation isn’t as hard as we make it out to be. You just need a few simple conversation starters to keep in your back pocket: