Empowering Shy, Awkward Introverts to Become Socially Confident Introverts

Transform your social life with confidence and better communication skills - while still being introverted!

Meet Caroline, the Misfit Behind the Brand.

You do NOT have to act extroverted to be socially confident!

I'm an autistic introvert who went from being socially anxious and severely socially awkward to now being a socially confident introvert, and I want to help you do the same without having to fake being someone you’re not.

I founded The Introverted Misfit to offer advice, motivational writings, and solace to misfits who are socially challenged, whether it’s because you’re introverted, shy, awkward, autistic, anxious, or plainly put, a misfit.

Read More About Caroline >


3 Simple Ways to Start a Conversation

Starting a conversation isn’t as hard as we make it out to be. You just need a few simple conversation starters to keep in your back pocket: